Interior Secretary highlights importance of young people in conservation

Photo: Conservation Corps staff with U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. From left, Len Price, Jewell, Jen Wendland and Connie Lanphear.
a visit to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, U.S.
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell articulated her vision for conservation
that includes an ambitious initiative for youth. Calling to mind the work of
the CCC, Jewell talked about the need for CCC 2.0 – exactly what Conservation
Corps offers – strategies to get young people working hands-on in natural
resources so they become directly invested in the work and importance of
context of her visit was to promote the release Banking
on Nature, a new national report that outlines how America’s national
wildlife refuges benefit local communities. “In addition to conserving and
protecting public lands for future generations, the report shows that every
dollar we invest in our Refuge System generates huge economic dividends for our
country,” said Jewell. In 2011, for every $1 of federal investment, the refuges
produced nearly $5 in economic activity. Read more
about her visit in the Star Tribune.