Northwest District members wrap up service term

Northwest District corps members sport their new Corps sweatshirts during an end-of-year celebration at Itasca State Park.
In mid-November, Northwest District crew members completed their service term with a two-day celebration at Itasca State Park. Crews toured the solar and thermal energy powered Waldsee BioHaus at Concordia Language Village, visited the Conservation Corps-built Adirondack shelter at Coffee Pot Landing on the Mississippi River and faced off with a chili cook-off competition. They also received job tips from natural resource experts, reflected on their service, celebrated accomplishments and were awarded their end of-year gift [pictured]. During the eight-month term, crews planted 42,705 native trees, shrubs and plants; conducted prescribed burns on 6833 acres; improved 41 miles of trail; removed exotic species from 6915 acres; and more. Thank you Northwest District crew members for your AmeriCorps service!
Check out other highlights on the Northwest District Facebook page.