And then there were four

By Anna Machowicz

On my first day with Conservation Corps, I pulled into a dark and snowy parking lot where my crew leader and the first crew member to arrive were standing to greet me. That crew member shook my hand and introduced herself: “I’m Sophia, but you can call me Grace,” she said. She was bright eyed and excited.

In the next six months, we would learn that Grace was indeed excited about the work we were doing. She wouldn’t back down from a lesson or a challenge, always willing to learn something new. She would bring a new perspective and humor our jokes with infectious laughter. She was the first to step up for a radio interview we were asked to do:

Listen to our radio interview  here  to see what she had to say!

Listen to our radio interview here to see what she had to say!

The past week has been a lonely one around our shop, as our youngest member has left the Corps, moving on to her next adventure. Grace’s enthusiasm, openness and passion for music will be missed on our crew. Not to mention, she was the only one who knew how to take apart (and reassemble) our most unique chainsaw, which we all struggled to figure out last week.

Wishing her well in anything and everything that she does, we hope that Grace finds what she is looking for in her future. In the meantime, we’ll have to start looking for a new guitar teacher…