IP Member Spotlight: Shelby Kilibarda (Monarch Joint Venture)

Shelby Kilibarda is the Education and Outreach Corpsmember with Monarch Joint Venture. As a second year member of the Corps, Shelby has experienced both our Field Crew program and Individual Placement program. Each program offered her something unique and important. She loved the field work because she got to do hands-on work outdoors. The IP position, though more office-based, has offered her increased responsibilities and independence.
Recently, she was highlighted in the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project Update. Click the link to learn more about Shelby’s hard work monitoring monarchs.
To anyone interested in Conservation Corps, Shelby says, “Take advantage of the programs!” She believes the Corps is a great opportunity to network with people in the natural resources field. After her term, Shelby is thinking about grad school or possibly continuing her work with Monarch Joint Venture. We shall see!
We have two IP positions open now. Check out the job descriptions and apply today!
Historic Resources Specialist: Deadline October 30
The Historic Resources Specialist will assist the DNR Division of Parks and Trails (PAT) staff in organizing, arranging, preserving, and cataloging the extensive collection of historic documents and materials at Croft Mine Historical Park and Hill Annex Mine State Park.
Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist: Deadline October 30
The Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist will assist the DNR Division of Ecological and Water Resources staff in helping prevent the spread and promote the management of invasive species.