Team of environmental stewards

Environmental stewardship shouldn’t be a solo endeavor. The greatest impact is made when organizations, individuals and communities come together to work towards a common goal. A perfect example of this is the management of invasive species in Minnesota. Thanks to support from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, 2016 marked the third-year Conservation Corps has teamed-up with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, University of Minnesota and St. Croix River Association to treat target invasive species. Last year, 186 infested acres in five counties throughout Minnesota were treated.
The target invasive species list includes; Black swallow-wort, Dalmation toadflax, cutleaf and common teasel, Grecian foxglove, Japanese hops, brown and meadow knapweeds and Oriental bittersweet. This year, the team will continue the collaborative effort to manage these invasive plants. Surveys, treatment monitoring and control work is already underway for 2017.
Even though the MDA, U of M and CCMI will continue this effort, that’s not enough. You can join the team to make the impact even greater.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Help monitor infestations by letting us know if you see any missed vines, plants or regrowth on your property.
2. Contact your state and local representatives to let them know the importance of managing invasive species. Their support is key to the continuation of this project.
3. Become a Forest Pest First Detector, a trained volunteer who learns about and reports new invasive species. More info can be found at:
4. Check out the Invasive Blitz website for more tools to help you with invasive plant removal:
5. Visit the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Noxious and Invasive Weed Program website to learn more about the “Weed of the Month” series.
Visit the Elimination of Target Invasive Plant Species webpage to learn more.