Project Highlight: Matt Rassett

By: Megan Zeiher, Recruitment Coordinator—June 22, 2018
Matt Rassett serves as a Crew Member based out of Andover/Anoka, Minnesota. A typical day on this crew starts with members groggily sipping coffee at the shop location before the jokes start flying. They go over their plans for the day of work, gather their tools and then head to the work site. Recently Matt’s crew completed a rewarding project on Coon Lake in Anoka County.
“We learned how to lay sod, we learned a lot about each other and we learned how to utilize our specific backgrounds to make a solid team.”
Matt and his crew worked alongside Anoka Parks & Recreation staff to create a Veteran’s Memorial site to honor the service of the United States Armed Forces. The site provides space for families to remember those who have served and gather around a paver with the name of a loved one.
“It was pretty cool to see the two teams working together so seamlessly. The county workers even took the time to chat with us as we worked and gave us advice on the next steps in our careers.”