1,000 lbs of trash removed during neighborhood clean-up

This year’s annual Hands Across the River neighborhood clean-up took place on Saturday, September 14 and engaged nearly 70 volunteers who helped to remove approximately 1,000 lbs of trash from both sides of the Mississippi River in Saint Paul! Trash included tires, a playground slide, lawn chairs, a storm door, and much more.
Thanks to the following partners and groups who participated, along with several individuals and friends from the community:
Art Start
Boston Scientific
Conservation Corps Alumni Council
Fischer Heating and Air Conditioning
Friends of Upper Landing Park
MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Refuge Friends, Inc.
Van Wagenen
Wells Fargo
Sponsors for this event included Wells Fargo and Friends of Upper Landing Park.
Our efforts are making a difference in the health of the Mississippi River and its watershed, but there is still work to be done! If you want to get involved with Adopt-a-River efforts, visit our website to learn more: http://www.conservationcorps.org/adoptariver/
This annual clean-up is an Adopt-a-River event, a program of Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa, and part of the Twin Cities Urban Waters Project, event series in partnership with Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota Valley Refuge Friends, ArtStart, and Minnesota DNR and funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant program.