Announcing My Retirement

Dear CCMI Community,
I am writing to announce that the time has come for me to retire from Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa (CCMI). My last day in the office will be Friday, September 29, 2023. While it may seem soon, the timing is right for me and my family, and I have the utmost confidence in our board and leadership team to move the organization forward.
I joined CCMI in 2018 expecting a 5-year tenure, and this month I approach that milestone. It has been an honor for me to serve as executive director for CCMI. I am deeply grateful to have worked with so many dedicated individuals that comprise CCMI. I am also proud of the collective accomplishments that our talented and devoted team has achieved these past five years.
CCMI has a rich culture and heritage tied to engaging young people in natural resources management and environmental stewardship. The vision and mission are as important as ever in the changing landscape in which we live and work, and the organization will continue to impact the lives of our members and stakeholders well into the future.
With change comes opportunity. CCMI is nearing the end of its most recent three-year strategic plan cycle and will be embarking on its next strategic plan before the end of the year. The time is right for elevating a new generation of leadership for the Corps.
The board has been in the process of identifying a strong candidate who can step in as an interim leader to support the transition in conjunction with the board and the staff leadership team. You can expect to hear more about an interim leader and the executive director search in the coming days. In the meantime, you may reach out to board chair, Erin Anderson, with any questions.
I am especially thankful for the opportunity to have worked alongside all our dedicated Corpsmembers, partners, supporters, and alum these past five years. Your faith in CCMI and your commitment to our mission has been — and will continue to be — critical to this important work of restoring resources and changing lives.
In gratitude,
Mark Murphy
Executive Director