
Grand Rapids crew clears dam obstruction on Sturgeon River

Though industrious beavers built an impressive dam alongside a man-made one on the Sturgeon River in Side Lake, Minn., it had to go. On March 19, the Grand Rapids crew waded out into the river to dig out the beaver dam with pitchforks.  Read More

Where Are They Now? Mary Hammes

Mary Hammes’ path to her current job with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency traversed three Corps programs: she served on a seasonal Superior National Forest… Read More

Mayors Day of Recognition

Yesterday, mayors all over the country highlighted the impact of national service and thanking those who serve. On this 3rd Annual… Read More

Meet our 2015 bloggers

We are SO excited to have a new group of corps members blogging about their experience this year! This year's group includes people from field crews and our Youth Outdoors program and we look forward to hearing about their unique experiences from the field. Watch this space for new posts once or twice a week from now until the end of November. Read More

Make a seed bomb. Help restore a prairie.

If you like digging in the dirt, we need your help! Make seed bombs with Conservation Corps at the Bloomington REI on April 10 from 3-5:30 p.m.  Read More

Welcome new staff member

Arielle Johnson, college and career coordinatorArielle joined the Corps staff in 2015 to coordinate college and career connections for the Youth Outdoors Program, including the Bridges Project. Read more about Arielle. Read More