Member Stories

National Trails Day

A trail winding through the floodplain forest at Fort Snelling State Park By Clara Brown, Fort Snelling Visitor Services Specialist Individual Placement / AmeriCorps Member placed… Read More

Look up. Look down. Look around.

By RJ Ruotolo, Ozark Field Crew Member/ AmeriCorps Member Josh looking up, admiring a tall Sycamore tree. Look up, look down, look around. Read More

Uncovering Minnesota’s Underground Forests: A Deep Dive into Aquatic Plants

By Ava Schimnowski, Aquatic Plant Management Specialist Individual Placement /AmeriCorps member at Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife… Read More

Individual Placement Spotlight Series: Becca Luebke

By Jesse Wolk, Utility Mapping Specialist Individual Placement / AmeriCorps Member placed at Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Trails   The… Read More

Migration Season at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge

By Kyle Dahlquist, Clean Water Corpsmember / AmeriCorps Member placed at Pennington SWCD   Photo by Kyle Dahlquist. As the weather warms and the days… Read More

Minnesota’s fiery geological secret

By Jake Richards, IT Specialist Individual Placement / AmeriCorps Member placed at Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Trails  … Read More