Two New CCMI Board Members

Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa is proud to announce that two new board members have joined its Board of Directors. Their announcements with bios are shown below.
Yordanose (Yordi) Solomone, director of equitable engagement at Metro Blooms, has joined Conservation Corps’ board of directors. At Metro Blooms, Yordi works on stormwater management and facilitating engagement of Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities in water and climate change efforts. Yordi is passionate about how to meaningfully understand the multiple benefits and opportunities that environmental and art initiatives provide when an equity, empowerment, and/or social justice lens is used to meaningfully involve vulnerable and underserved populations in our city.
Justin Tomljanovic, area vice president responsible for corporate development at Xcel Energy, has joined Conservation Corps’ board of directors. At Xcel, Justin leads the corporate development team responsible for negotiating and executing mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. This includes solar and wind acquisitions and project development, as well as investments in emerging clean energy technologies. A former outdoor trip guide, he enjoys spending time with his family hiking and camping.
- Left: Yordanose Solomone; Right: Justin Tomljanovic