Our employees are experts

Our employees are experts. With degrees in environmental education, geography, biology and natural resource management and certifications as RXB2 burn bosses and arborists, Conservation Corps is lucky to have such skilled, dedicated employees. Beyond environmental expertise, many Corps staff also need to be experienced youth development workers.
Brian Hubbard, our Individual Placement Program Manager, has a Masters of Education in Youth Development and Leadership from the University of Minnesota and participated in the After School Matters Fellowship in 2013-2015. Through Action Based Research, Brian and 15 other Out of School Time (OST) Youth Work Practitioners participated in monthly writing workshops to develop content around their current work. Brian focused his research on the Corps Youth Council and his final paper was eventually submitted for review to participate in the national fellowship. This led to a weeklong writing workshop in Philadelphia with 20 other youth workers from around the United States. After about 3 years of writing, re-working and edits, his article was accepted into the After School Matters Journal.
Brian also has published chapters in two books; ‘Youth and Inequality in Education, Global Actions in Youth Work’ and ‘Evaluating Civic Youth Work’. “This was some of the most profound professional development in my career and contributed to my understanding, knowledge and experience of direct youth work practices,” said Brian. “It’s amazing to be with the Corps doing great work with incredible people and given the space and time to write and shed light on the amazing youth participants in the programs!”
Read Brian’s work:
Evaluating Civic Youth Work (Available in June 2018)
Youth and Inequality in Education, Global Actions in Youth Work. *Chapter 12.
After School Matters Journal (Download the text in top right of web page)
After School Matters Fellowship: https://niost.org/Afterschool-Matters/afterschool-matters-fellowship
Corps Youth Council project archive: http://www.conservationcorps.org/newsroom2/2013/2/13/summer-youth-corps-offers-outdoor-opportunities-for-youth.html