Serving Together

By Natasha Carlson, Bemidji Field Crew Member / AmeriCorps Member
Something I really enjoy about Conservation Corps is I get to meet all kinds of people. I also like seeing different points of views and interests. I get the opportunity to learn about different ways to do things. It’s nice to see how different crews work together. It is also a chance for me to learn new things. It’s always a pleasure to see what I can learn from other crews. Every time I get the chance to serve with another crew it is always a great opportunity I enjoy seeing different leadership strategies. I like being a part of a bigger whole. It’s amazing to see how serving together in big groups and being able to see how much progress we can make compared to a smaller crew. To be able to be a piece in the puzzle. To be included in the planning stage just makes me feel more welcomed than I previously felt before. I’m excited to go from being a two person crew to being a 7 person crew. It will be cool to see how we all work together and get along. I am happy for all that. I have already gained from this experience and I am excited for what is to come.