Summer Youth Corps Update

Last summer, the Summer Youth Corps (SYC) program of Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa (CCMI) experienced the tragic loss of youth member, Anne “Annie” Messelt. It was and still is, unimaginably tragic. All investigating agencies have determined that Annie died of indeterminate natural causes that were not directly work-related. The staff and board of CCMI continue to mourn Annie’s death, and our hearts go out to Annie’s family and friends.
In response to this tragic event, CCMI staff are thoroughly examining our systems and procedures as part of our objective of continuous improvement. Annie’s family is joining us in this effort, working to ensure CCMI returns better and stronger in fulfillment of its mission – one in which Annie passionately believed: To engage youth and young adults in meaningful service, leadership development, and environmental stewardship.
As always, we will continue to evaluate our safety protocol and make enhancements to promote the well-being of our crews. Summer Youth Corps remains committed to providing a program that supports young adults and teens to grow personally and professionally through meaningful and safe service, community, and environmental stewardship.