What is an Individual Placement?

You may be familiar with our field crews and how they serve outside doing conservation projects with different agencies. Did you know we also have Individual Placements? Instead of serving on a crew, you are placed to serve within a partner agency focusing on more specialized projects while gaining different skills. The Individual Placement program allows a member to expand on different skills of their choosing. Partners may include U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Minnesota DNR, National Park Service, and more! Projects may include visitor/volunteer services, remote sensing with drones, GIS, and invasive plant management, depending on partner needs.
While serving in an individual placement position, you have the opportunity to gain more in-depth relationships and learn so much. Brian Hubbard, the individual placement program manager ensures that each member has a great experience and learns skills that will help them with their future career goals. He states “The Placements program is a great opportunity to serve one on one with a mentor in the natural resources field. The program provides a unique service experience where Corpsmembers support and engage in authentic and meaningful projects to expand the capacity and reach of a partnering host site while receiving specialized skills-training unique to the position or agency.”
Throughout the year, you get to connect with other individual placement members and learn about their projects and partners. It’s a great opportunity to build your resume, connect with people in natural resource agencies and learn new skills!
If you are interested in seeing what individual placements we have available, check them out here.
Anna Killian shares her experience serving with Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa as an Individual Placement member hosted by the National Park Service.