Clean Water Funding

Following passage of the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment, the Minnesota Legislature directed the Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) to appropriate $850,000 of the Clean Water Fund to be contracted for services with Conservation Corps on an annual basis. BWSR contracts with the Corps to provide funded labor to cities, counties, soil and water conservation districts, metropolitan watershed management organizations, watershed districts, and joint powers organizations of those government units to undertake projects consistent with the Corps mission, BWSR grant policies, and Clean Water Fund goals (Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 172, section 6).

Grant Eligibility & Guidelines

Funds are available for Conservation Corps Field Crew labor and Individual Placements on projects with the purpose of protecting, enhancing, and restoring water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams, and/or protecting groundwater and drinking water sources from degradation. Project proposals should demonstrate measurable outputs to achieve water quality objectives through the implementation of best management practices. Projects that provide our crews a valuable experience and education about water quality projects/watershed management and focus on retaining water on the land through plantings (such as rain garden installation) versus habitat restoration (such as invasive species removal) are preferred.

Applicants must have an approved and locally adopted watershed management plan, county comprehensive local water management plan, local surface water management plan, metro groundwater plan, surface water intake plan, or well head protection plan that has been state approved and locally adopted. Practices must strive to be of long-lasting public benefit with a minimum 10 years effective life.

Clean Water Funds provide 100% of eligible crew labor or individual placement costs. There is no minimum match requirement, but applicants must itemize local financial contribution, such as non-state funds, in-kind staff time, or materials. Conservation Corps will complete annual reporting to BWSR of accomplishment outcomes, itemization of match, and project location upon project completion.

Application Process

Complete and submit project application with aerial photo/map attached. Contact Brian Miller with questions.

Submit an application
Application closed on June 30, 2024 for 2025 projects

Annual Application Timeline (NEW!)

June 1 – 30: Project application period
June 30: Application deadline
July 1 – 31: Application review
August 1 – 31: Award notices sent out to applicants
January – December: Project implementation period

Clean Water Fund granted projects by year

Read about field crew capabilities

Read about individual placement capabilities