
Wild Rice on the St. Louis—Returning to Mecca

By: Danielle Yaste “What’re you guys working on out here?” A… Read More

Conservation Corps program honored with prestigious Abraham Lincoln Honor Award for Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach

Faces of Tomorrow initiative with the U.S. Forest Service aims to increase diversity in natural resources fieldSaint Paul, Minn. — On September 13, 2016, a representative from Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa accepted the Abraham Lincoln Honor Award for Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. In partnership with Superior National Forest, the award recognizes the Corps for its Faces of Tomorrow initiative, a targeted approach to prepare diverse young adults for natural resource careers where women and people of color are underrepresented. The seasonal positions provide Conservation Corps AmeriCorps members direct relationships with employees of Superior National Forest in northeast Minnesota, hands-on skills training and forestry experience. Read More

Lifetime impact

By: Rose Lundy I am evidence that early exposure to conservation work can impact a lifetime. When I was 16-years-old, I… Read More

Abraham Lincoln Honor Award

In partnership with the Superior National Forest, the Conservation Corps is being recognized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture with the… Read More

How-to-guide to building a community orchard

By: Danielle Yaste When working on a project, very rarely does a crew get to see the entirety of the project, from start to finish. … Read More

Carrying on another legacy: Adopt-a-river

AAR Volunteer Highlight: Morristown-Warsaw Selective Harvest Association. Held their 7th cleanup on July 10, bringing their total amount of trash cleaned… Read More