Youth crews help stabilize river banks
For a third consecutive year, Summer Youth Corps crews helped plant trees at Voyageur’s National Park in International Falls, in collaboration with the Rainy Lake Sportfishing Club, Koochiching Soil & Water Conservation District and the National Parks Conservation Association. Read More
Feast or famine on the water trails crew
Unlike many other field crews, work on a water trails crew can be very much a feast or famine type of situation. Some rivers will give us more work than we sometimes think we can handle. We’re working at least ten hours a day (many days more than that) and it seems we don’t get anywhere. Snag after snag and jam after jam seems to be blocking our path to open river, freedom and a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Read More
Oak-oak-oak savanna
Ever wonder what an oak tree talking to another oak sounds like? I know… Oak-Oak-OAK.An oak savanna -- especially one that doesn’t need management – is a rare ecosystem. Read More
The war on invasive species: Is it worth the fight?
As a member of the NPS Roving crew, I work with the Exotic Plant Monitoring Team (EPMT); as a part of that work I have spent nearly four months backpack spraying in forests and restored prairies throughout parks in the Midwest. We’ve treated exotic invasives such as sericea lespedeza, Johnson grass and Japanese stilt grass, to name just a few, but also focused on native invasives like sumac, dogwood and plum. Read More
Turning back time: Restoring Saint Paul’s historic prairies
Like many Plains States, Minnesota was once home to millions of acres of prairie grassland. Native grasses like big blue stem, little blue stem, switch grass, Indian grass, porcupine grass or side-oats grama, and forbs such as goldenrod, prairie smoke and blazing star covered the western and southern parts of the state. However, if you travel through the southwest region of Minnesota today, you would be hard-pressed to find an area with native remnant prairie. Read More
And then there were four
On my first day with Conservation Corps, I pulled into a dark and snowy parking lot where my crew leader and the first crew member to arrive were standing to greet me. That crew member shook my hand and introduced herself: “I’m Sophia, but you can call me Grace,” she said. She was bright eyed and excited. Read More