Updates & Stories

Five firsts

The transition from idealistic college student to full-time employee is not typically smooth. After all, student life gives us the freedom to wake up at 10:00 am, write essays about Godzilla films and live blithely on loan money. Needless to say, having to be somewhere before sunrise, work 40-50 hours a week, and labor in snowstorms and rain did not come easy to me. Crew members and leaders with previous full-time job experience are sometimes more prepared than recent college graduates for the kind of hands-on work the Conservation Corps offers. I didn’t have any experience working full-time or outdoors, but I thought that this AmeriCorps year would be an adventure. And this year was an adventure - with a fair share of twists and meaningful moments. Read More

We’ve figured it out

I’m gonna brag a little bit here, because I believe that we on the St. Paul Roving field crew have really figured something out. We’ve figured out how to keep our chainsaws sharp, navigate winding trails through the woods in big trucks, keep ourselves dry when it rains, cool when it’s hot, and warm when it’s cold, but so has most everyone else who does this work. What I believe we, and only we, have truly figured out is lunch.“What do you mean Nick? It took you 26 years to figure out how to nourish yourself via a midday meal?” you may be thinking to yourself; Well then I’m sorry to say, you obviously have not figured out lunch. Let me provide an example: Today at 12:15pm, my crew and I were biting into hot Kansas City barbeque beef brisket sandwiches, mmmmm mmm delicious. But we were in Minnesota! In a truck in the middle of the woods! How could that be? Well that’s a secret, but we figured it out (mostly our crew leader Mike). Read More

Still hard work. Still a good deal.

Last month you heard from program participants about how hard they work. Now hear them tell you why it’s such a good deal! Then, make a donation to support the next 80 years of Corps opportunities for young people and our natural resources.  Read More

Tell us your thoughts – win a prize!

Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa is looking to expand our outreach and events to better serve our valued alumni. We would love to hear how you would like to be involved with Conservation Corps in 2014! Please take this short survey. Read More

Sun now heats Iowa home

A solar furnace has been installed in a Cedar Rapids home for low-income families as part of a demonstration project initiated by Theodore Westhues, Solar Heat Outreach Specialist.  Read More

Crews prepare the way for preserve and park in Illinois

Though it’s the time of year when crews are wrapping up their service terms, this week three crews kicked off a three-year project to establish a preserve and public park on 253 acres of land north of Ottawa, Illinois. Read More

Restoring Cedar Bend Savanna

In November, Conservation Corps Iowa crews worked four weeks to clear invasive cedar trees and honeysuckle from the Cedar Bend Savanna in Black Hawk County. Read More

CCC chapter closes shop

After 33 years, the North Star Chapter of the CCC closed its doors this summer. In its heyday, the chapter… Read More

Conservation Corps recognized as a 21CSC program

Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa was recently certified as a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC),… Read More

Still hard work. Still a good deal.

Help support the next 80 years of Corps opportunities for young people and our natural resources. Read more about our hard work in 2013 and make a donation today! Read More