
EcoRangers AweSnap!

Raymond Staffa, who is serving as a summer EcoRanger through Conservation Corps, took photos of macroinvertebrates at Trout Brook Nature Sanctuary. Read More

Corps featured in Preservation magazine

Last summer, a Corps field crew renovated a historic icehouse on Lake Superior, on what was once an island vacation getaway for a renowned architect… Read More

Staff and board changes

After 11 years on the Conservation Corps staff, Lisa Cassioppi is off to new adventures – leading canoe trips with Wilderness Inquiry and conducting Gypsy Moth surveys… Read More

Save the date: Celebrate the CCC

September 24-27, 2014Saint Paul, MinnesotaJoin CCC family and friends from across the country for the 2014 CCC Legacy annual gathering. On Thursday, September 25 we open the doors to all Corps alumni and friends for a celebration at Flat Earth Brewery in Saint Paul, featuring musician Ann Reed, beer tastings and pizza from Savoy’s.  Read More

The new ‘normal’

Four days out of the week my alarm sounds promptly at 4:30 a.m. to signal the start of my day. For the first few weeks I certainly struggled to become accustomed to this early hour, but now it’s nice to see the world before it’s fully awake. After packing a filling lunch, I head away from the sunrise, towards the corn fields and to the shop.Upon arriving at the shop, I head into the locker room to lace up my boots before joining the other early arrivals in the break room before the morning meeting. As 6:30 a.m. draws near, the room begins to fill up with corps members, full-time staff and seasonal employees. Right on schedule, our fearless leader, Jeff, begins the meeting with the goals for the rest of the week and what to watch out for when working in the areas we are assigned. Read More

Resources restored, lives changed…World saved

It’s unfortunate that the phrase 'Save the World' isn’t taken seriously. There should be how-to books, college courses, job descriptions, marketing campaigns that all don the phrase. Of course, serious use of the phrase would require popular agreement that we live in a world that needs saving. Plausible, at least until you ask the follow up question, “Saving from what?” Well, since I’m the only one here, I’m going to take the liberty to define some terms and make some assumptions. Because I’m here to save the world, and I know plenty of other folks who share that exact mission. Read More