Dr. Michael G. Wulf

Michael’s passion for information technology (IT) and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) based education is proven by how heavily he invests his personal time, knowledge and skill back to his community. As a product of the inner-city neighborhood, originally from St. Paul’s Rondo-Summit/University area, he understands and appreciates the importance of everything it has done for him. He is a product of community outreach programs like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. He cites positive impact by his involvement with the Hallie Q. Brown/Martin Luther King and Jimmy Lee recreation centers in the Old Rondo neighborhood. He attributes his hard work ethic passed along to him by his grandmother (and mother) who worked tirelessly to see his needs were met as a young man through and to adulthood. He admits and chuckles a bit at his long run as a determined entrepreneur and mogul as a newspaper carrier for the St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press. His newspaper empire covered six (6) newspaper routes spanning nearly 2 square miles bordering interstate I94 and to Selby and from Lexington to Dale Streets in St. Paul. He credits his community with helping define him as an early entrepreneur, leader and philanthropic nature.