Doug Ekstrom

Contact for:
- South Field Crew coordination and logistics
Doug is the South District Manager for the Young Adult Program. He began his professional career with the Corps as a single placement and crew leader serving with the MN DNR in southwestern Minnesota. He also had the opportunity to work with the MN DNR as a wildlife technician. His duties included restoring and maintaining habitats within prairie wetland complexes on Wildlife Management Areas. His time as a member with the Corps offered him numerous rewarding opportunities working in the landscape and networking with natural resource professionals. As a staff member, he hopes to provide similar experiences and skill sets for current CCMI members. Your best chance at catching Doug in the field is during crew member training or prescribed fire season where he conducts burn projects with Corps members.
Doug earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Resource Management from the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services, Minnesota State University, Mankato. He enjoys spending his spare time in the duck blind or supporting his favorite sports teams.

Contact for:
- South Field Crew coordination and logistics