Dustin Looman

Contact for:
- Conservation Corps projects in South DistrictNatural resources in South District
- Open positions within South Field Crews
- Logistics for incoming members
- Natural resources in South District
- Questions regarding prescribed burning and crew options
Dustin started with the Conservation Corps in October 2003 after graduating from Winona State University. He started the Corps as a crew member then became a crew leader for two years. In the spring of 2006 Dustin became the Southern Assistant District Manager located in Rochester MN. Over the years Dustin has become involved in many different types of projects and enjoys teaching new members the skills needed for these projects. As a MRxB2 Burn Boss, prescribed fire has become Dustin’s favorite work related project. Burning thousands of acres yearly keeps Dustin and his crews on the move, spring, summer and fall. When not working Dustin tries to spend as much time as possible with his wife “Erika” and two children “Scarlett and August” fishing, hunting and hiking around MN State Parks.

Contact for:
- Conservation Corps projects in South DistrictNatural resources in South District
- Open positions within South Field Crews
- Logistics for incoming members
- Natural resources in South District
- Questions regarding prescribed burning and crew options