Corps member cuts Governor’s holiday tree

Corps member Brianna Foster cut the 30-foot white spruce for the governor’s residence.
On a cold but sunny day in November, Conservation Corps and DNR representatives gathered to cut down the perfect tree for the governor’s mansion. Tim Brault of the DNR found the 30-foot, 25-year-old white spruce – the 31st cut for a state governor – in the Chengwatana State Forest near Pine City. “It’s a lot harder than it seems to find just the right tree,” Brault said. Mississippi Crew Leader Brianna Foster cut the giant tree and the rest of the team prepped it for delivery. The DNR Forestry team was grateful for Corps members volunteering to come in on their day off to help with this tradition.
Annually, 500,000 Christmas trees are harvested from private farms in Minnesota, contributing about $30 million to the state’s economy. People can cut their own Christmas trees from a Minnesota state forest, as long as they obtain a special products permit. Contact a DNR forestry office for details.