Welcome 2016 Bloggers!

Danielle Yaste

Crew Member, Moose Lake Crew

  • Favorite food:  Coffee
  • Best things to do on a rainy day:  Dancing in the Rain or Drinking Coffee
  • Favorite outdoor activities:  Hiking, Four-wheeling, and laying in my Hammock
  • Hobbies:  Photography, Reading, and Adventuring
  • Person or experience that has most influenced your life:  I lived in Uganda during my junior year of college and studied development while conducting a GIS study of the current state of human trafficking.  Not only does Uganda have a beautiful culture to be immersed it, but I also had the opportunity to slow down, take in stunning sights, and be present with amazing people. 

Kristina Beckham

Crew Member, NPS Roving Crew

  • Favorite Food: Tortellini or chimichanga
  • Best thing to do on a rainy day: Watch Netflix in bed
  • Favorite Outdoor Activity: Ultimate Frisbee
  • Hobbies: Ultimate Frisbee, reading, drawing, and other outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, etc.
  • Person or experience that has most influenced my life: The person who has most influenced my life is my cousin Michelle Aubuchon she was the older sister I never had who showed me how to be selfless, strong, and brave. As for the experience that has most influenced my life is the death of Michelle’s younger brother CJ Aubuchon. This experience has changed my way of life in that I never take any day or anybody for granted.

Rafael Contreras-Rangel

Crew Leader, Metro Roving Crew

  • Favorite food: Sushi, although Mexican food is a close second.
  • Best thing to do on a rainy day: It depends on my mood, sometimes I would grab an umbrella and take a walk since I find the sound of rain quite relaxing. Other times, I would read a book, preferably on a porch if one is provided.
  • Favorite outdoor activity: This one is hard since I work outdoors all the time. So I guess working with my crew all day is my favorite outdoor activity.
  • Hobbies: I guess my newest hobby will be writing blogs for the Corps. But I’ve also just recently picked up the piano.
  • Person or experience that has most influence: The person that has most influenced my life is my research adviser from college, Chris Bickford. If it wasn’t for his advice and encouragement I don’t think I would be following my passion as strongly as I am doing now.

Michael Huff

Crew Member, Timbers Crew

  • Favorite food: Peanut Butter
  • Best thing to do on a rainy day: Watch movies
  • Favorite outdoor activity: Hiking and running
  • Hobbies: Working out, reading and skating
  • Person that has most influenced me: Jim Carey