5th annual Careers after the Corps prepares members with career resources

On Friday November 4th, Conservation Corps MN & IA (CCMI) hosted it’s 5th annual Careers After the Corps event. This marks the third year that the event has been held on Zoom, allowing members from all of CCMI’s programs and districts across MN and IA to have the option of attending. The event included three sessions, to support AmeriCorps members and recent alum who are searching for their next career step, as well as the option to meet with a staff member for a 20 minute resume review. Thirty-nine current AmeriCorps members and recent alumni registered and thirty-two attended the live event; twenty-two requested resume reviews and twenty attended. The event was also recorded so members and recent alum can still access these resources if they were unable to attend that Friday.
The first presentation on Job Search Best Practices was led by CCMI’s HR director, Carolyn Llorens, and Recruitment Manager, Haley Nelson. They overviewed current market trends, how to approach a job search, and resume and interview tips. The second session was an Alumni Professional Panel where CCMI alumni shared about their current for-profit, non-profit, and government positions and how they transitioned from the Corps into those sectors. We were joined by Jeff Krismer from Davey Tree Expert Company, Sean Wickhem from Landbridge Ecological, Eric Chien from The Nature Conservancy, Molly Urban from U.S. Forest Service, and May Yang from Washington County. The third and final session entailed a Returning Opportunity Highlight where current members, Renea McNemee and Natassia Podgorski, shared how their multiple terms with CCMI allowed them to build additional skills. Renea first served with the Monarch Crew in IA, then as an IP member with the National Park Service on their Invasive Plant Management Team. Natassia first served as a Crew Member with the South District and then two terms as a Field Specialist. They shared their tips for folks who are considering returning for another term and reminded members that we currently have positions open for next year!
We appreciate our partner panelists, current members, alumni, and staff for making this event a success and investing time to share about environmental careers!