
Giving Back: Puerto Rico Deployment

Disaster deployments are continually the most meaningful and memorable experiences for our AmeriCorps members during their term. What makes these moments stand out is the… Read More

Youth Outdoors Crew Member Experience: Addie Bona

By: Megan Zeiher, Recruitment Coordinator To share more about the Corps experience from a member’s point of view, we caught up with Addie… Read More

Alumni Advisory Council Accomplishments

2017 marked the first year of Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa’s Alumni Advisory Council. The council was created to support our mission and goals by… Read More

My Corps Story

As the 2017 service year wraps up, we asked our members to reflect on the year and share their fondest memory or greatest accomplishment with… Read More

Class is in session… outside!

Original images from John Rudolph, East High School [Image Description] Yellow text reads “Welcome to the Duluth East Outdoor Classroom And Wildlife Sanctuary 11/16/17.” Two… Read More


On Thursday, November 16, about 40 AmeriCorps members, staff and friends came together to celebrate the Corps at Alluvial brewing in Ames. Thank you for… Read More