Manager of Facilities – Deep Portage Learning Center
Pay: $720 week
Deep Portage Learning Center is looking for a motivated, hard-working employee. This person will be tasked with making sure the building is in working order, grounds are kept in shape, and in charge of wood heat systems during wintertime. Training will be provided for all systems. There are opportunities to be involved in outdoor education programming if available. Possible temporary on-site housing provided, not guaranteed. This job could be turned into a permanent position based on end of season review and employee’s goals.
General Duties
- Manage building and grounds of 54,000 square foot residential classroom building
- Minor repairs, light maintenance around building and grounds
- Clearing trails
- Keeping walkways clear and safe
- Operating Deep Portage wood fired gasification systems
- Loading firewood into the systems to keep the building and water supply warm
- Hauling firewood daily from the woodyard to the wood systems
- Regular maintenance of wood systems
- General supervision of burn shifts and firewood usage
- Snow plowing of campus grounds (parking lots, entryways, log cabin, etc)
- Cross country ski trail grooming with snowmobile
- Be on call in case of emergency or systems not working correctly
- Motivated without supervision
- Organization skills, inventory oriented
- Experience with power equipment
- Chainsaws
- Shop tools
- Snow blowers
- General experience with large equipment is a plus
- Tractor
- Snowmobile
- Backing trailers up with a truck
- Safe and respectful use of Deep Portage equipment
- General enjoyment and respect of the outdoors
Email cover letter, resume, and references to Email or call Neal (218-682-2325) for more information if needed.
Deep Portage Learning Center is a premier environmental education center in Hackensack, MN. It is 6,307 acres of public land nestled in the middle of lake country. Opportunities abound for outdoor adventures and lifestyles. We service about 75 state-wide schools September-May and a full summer camp season. In total, about 8,000 participants.