*UPDATED* Fall Hike at Wood-Rill SNA

This event has been changed. Due to an uncharacteristically low yield of acorns this year, this event has been updated from an acorn collection project to an interpretive hike.
Join Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa (CCMI) and MN DNR Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA) program at Wood-Rill SNA on Saturday, September 17 from 10 am – Noon to learn about the oak restoration efforts being made on the site, the site’s history, and how to identify the early Fall plants and wildlife that make Wood-Rill SNA their home.
During the last hour of the event, while having your own lunch, you can chat with CCMI and DNR natural resource professionals about careers, program offerings, and the work we are currently doing to protect natural areas.
Wood-Rill SNA preserves an outstanding example of Sugar Maple “Big Woods” forest. This forest type is ranked S2, or imperiled, in the state and is increasingly rare in the developing metro area. According to University of Minnesota Forest Ecologist Lee Frelich, individual trees in Wood-Rill range from seedlings to 350 years old, with many trees between 120-180 years old.
Advanced registration is required, and the event will be capped at 25 attendees. To register, please email sna.dnr@state.mn.us. We want all visitors to feel safe and welcome. Please consider wearing a face covering when unable to maintain 6-feet of social distance.
Bring water, lunch, and dress for the weather. Footwear appropriate for outdoor hiking is recommended. There are trails on this site but no facilities.
Wood-Rill Scientific and Natural Area (SNA), Wayzata, MN