Updates & Stories

Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa responds to Hurricane Harvey

Across the country, AmeriCorps Disaster Response Teams have deployed or are on standby provide assistance to the Texas communities affected by… Read More

Conservation Corps responds to Hurricane Harvey

PRESS RELEASEConservation Corps Minnesota & IowaSeptember 5, 2017For immediate release Contacts:Melissa CuffConservation Corps651/209-9900, ext. 26melissa.cuff@conservationcorps.org Mark Wilson… Read More

A highway for butterflies

By: Aimee Junget Monarchs make a longer journey than most of us will in our summer road trips, traveling from Canada… Read More

Education Day

Photo Credit Four times per year, Conservation Corps crews take an extra day outside of regular field… Read More

Individual Placement Experience: Kelsey Depew

By: Megan Zeiher, Recruitment Coordinator Recruitment season at Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa will be in full swing in just a couple of… Read More

A summer in Bridges

By: Lauren Waldrip The day was Friday. It was the 18th of August, which marked the end of Bridges’ summer term. Our rag-tag group of 9… Read More

Learning through service

There is no one way to learn. Visual learners understand lessons best through images and spatial understanding, while auditory learners prefer sounds and music. A… Read More

Small moments, big impact

What are kids into these days? Video games, fidget spinners, Snapchat? There are always new and exciting toys and technology competing for young people’s attention. Read More

New blogger: Tamara Beal

Name: Tamara Beal Crew: Wildlife Studies Hometown: Sherrill, NY College: Eastern University Favorite food: Seafood-lobster! Hobbies: Sports, reading, arts and crafts,… Read More

Maintaining a high standard

Impressions count – and they last. Minnesota has a well-earned reputation as a great place to enjoy the out-of-doors, and part of the mission of… Read More