
Our employees are experts

Our employees are experts. With degrees in environmental education, geography, biology and natural resource management and certifications as RXB2 burn bosses and arborists, Conservation Corps… Read More

Adopt a River Spotlight

  Inspired by family and history, Ashley Sullivan recently adopted a 3 mile stretch of the St. Louis River. Nestled along the Western Waterfront… Read More

All Things Invasive

By: Caroline Fazzio Spring is here (hopefully), and the ice and snow are quickly becoming distant memories. Soon the outdoor scene so iconic to Minnesota… Read More

Citizen Scientists

By: Danielle Yaste The International Water Institute (IWI) is a watershed based Non-Profit that has been working within the Red River Basin for over… Read More

Adventure Station

Need help planning your next outdoor excursion? Stop by the new Adventure Station at REI in Bloomington! The Minnesota Department of… Read More

Snowed-in Slumber Party

By: Ben Kleist The Spring Blizzard of ’18 will go down in history as the day that many victories and defeats were had. Like many… Read More