
Field Crew Experience: Joseph Friedmeyer

By: Megan Zeiher, Recruitment Coordinator We connected with Joseph Friedmeyer to hear more about his member experience and share a glimpse of life… Read More

Behind the scenes at orientation

Each year, Conservation Corps program staff prepare for a hectic but exciting start to the season. Within the first two months of the year, hiring… Read More

The Trail Ahead: Learning for the Future at the Annual Corps Network Conference in Washington D.C.

By Melissa Cuff In February 2018, The Corps Network (TCN) Annual Conference brought 275 people to Washington D.C. for five-days in order to share best… Read More

It’s all in a space

By: Caroline Fazzio It has been a little over a month since myself and five other DNR IP’s took up lairs in the St Paul… Read More

Welcome to the Corps: a letter from alumni

Dear AmeriCorps members, We are excited to welcome you to the Conservation Corps. Even as alumni we can still recall the feeling of the first… Read More

New Alumni Council Members

Anthony Bieker City, State currently living – Minneapolis, MN Favorite Food – Cheeseburger Pizza Favorite Outdoor Activities – Camping BWCA, biking, hiking, running. What are… Read More