Member Stories

A video farewell

Well, this is it. The end of our term with Conservation Corps. Since I'm not one for sentimental words, I've decided a more valuable end to my blogging career would be a video.  Read More

Watching the seasons change

The year is quickly coming to an end – there are only 23 days left in the term! I think we can all agree that this has been a hard year, but it has been rewarding as we have had the chance to work outside and watch the seasons change. Read More

A final farewell

In May of 2013 I started out my time with Conservation Corps in their Apprentice Academy program, having just spent the past several months cooped up in a florescent-lighted cubicle. Needless to say I was ready to get outside and get a little dirty. Read More

Just talkin’

I have a life of discussion in and outside of the labor of Conservation Corps. Small talk has never been my forte. I often find myself bored of conversations with new people because I don’t desire to simply break the ice with them; I want to smash the ice to smithereens and sail away with them on an iceberg.  Read More

This year in pictures

It’s hard to believe that we are now down to the final month of the 2015 Conservation Corps service term. There are so many memories that I would like to write about for this last post. I could easily write a memoir but in order to keep this reasonably short, I have decided to share this year’s highlights through pictures. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Or something like that. Read More

First Impressions

‘Resources Restored, Lives Changed’. The first time I read those words, I was watching the sunset on a Lake Superior dock in Bayfield, Wisconsin. It was my first week working with WisCorps, a conservation corps based in LaCrosse. A crew from Conservation Corps Minnesota wandered onto the beach near us, wearing their corps shirts with the tagline emblazoned on the back.  Read More